【Report】Trends in the division of household labor and marital satisfaction: Recent research trends in the USA
Date : 13th July ,2016
Place : Japan Women’s University (Nishi-ikuta campus) 1-1-1 Nishi-ikuta, Tama-ku, Kawasaki, Kanagawa
Lecturer : Professor Yoshinori Kamo (Louisiana State University)
Professor Yoshinori Kamo, a specialist in family sociology at Louisiana State University, was invited to talk on “Trends in the division of household labor and marital satisfaction: Recent research trends in the USA” at a research meeting held at the Nishi Ikuta Campus.
As a new experiment, the meeting was shared by video link with the Research Institute for Women and Careers (Mejiro Campus). The lecture included discussion of issues under the headings “Personal matters are academic matters”, “The division of household labor”, “Marital satisfaction” and “The relationship between the division of household labor and marital satisfaction”.
The meeting was well attended by students and teaching staff from the Nishi Ikuta Campus. It also proved very useful as a study meeting for faculty students now starting to prepare their graduation theses.